Amber Cummings has been involved in right wing political movements for the last 10 years, though she first caught the attention of anti-fascists on March 4, 2017 at the March 4 Trump rally in Berkeley. Since her participation at that rally, Amber has been a central figure in the far-right movement in Northern California. For the last year and a half, Amber Cummings has organized and engaged in violent protests in the Bay Area as well as in Portland, OR. Often, these events were test runs for what was then a growing coalition of far-right factions: libertarians, alt-lite, alt-right, militias, and mainstream Trump supporters. Amber fought side by side with white supremacists in Berkeley and Portland, building a right-wing coalition in the streets intent on attacking and suppressing the left. Amber Cummings has proven to be a threat to the Bay Area communities she harasses, and due to her past actions and persistent organizing we feel it is necessary to expose her.
Name: Amber Gwen Cummings
DOB: 5/10/1974, 44 years old
Address: 3504 Baywood Cir Antioch, CA 94531
Car: white 4-door Nissan truck
Amber Cummings is an Alex Jones/Info Wars true believer, claiming to have spent thousands of hours studying a supposed new world order. She regularly repeats Jones’s rhetoric in her own livestream rambling sessions and has even called in to the show on multiple occasions.
Often, she rants about stopping a looming singular world government in between asides about chem trails and other conspiracy theories. Often these Alex Jones inspired bedtime stories revolve around a relationship between elites and their “pawns” within social movements, a hallmark of anti-Semitic and far-right thought for decades. For instance, Amber thinks anarchists, although inherently antagonistic to the state, are seeking to establish a world government, and likewise holds a completely uninformed view of Marxism that seeks to carry out as Kyle Chapman claims, a “war on Whites.” Cummings sets her diatribes in extreme religious language. She can be heard on livestream videos describing cities like Berkeley as hellish and casting anti-racist activists as demonic.
Amber Gwen Cummings calls Info Wars
Over the last year and a half, Amber Cummings has participated in over a dozen far-right actions including violent rallies and other harassment. Cummings has traveled from her home in Antioch to cities all over the Bay Area including Berkeley and San Francisco, and has even travelled to other states such as Oregon for Joey Gibson’s Patriot Prayer rallies. Throughout her involvement in these actions, Cummings has developed affinities and alliances with other far-right organizers, most prominent among these are Lindsay Grathwohl, the daughter of FBI informant Larry Grathwohl, and Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman, notorious Proud Boy and leader of the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights, who was recently arrested for assault with a deadly weapon in Texas.
Amber Cummings at a rally in Berkeley on September 14, 2017 with Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman on the left and Jacob Ku on the right, who accompanied Proud Boy Rob Cantrall when he threatened to burn down a leftist book store in Berkeley
As Cummings continues her mission to fight what she thinks is a tyrannical new world order, she has taken on yet more alarming allies. At several events that Amber has been to, she has fought alongside neo-Nazis and alt-right Identitarians who seek to violently reconfigure the United States into an exclusively white nation. Images of Cummings at rallies show her rubbing elbows with white supremacists like Nathan Damigo, founder of the white nationalist fraternity Identity Evropa, and the Rise Above Movement, a neo-Nazi fight club based in Southern California. Cummings says white supremacists aren’t welcome at her events and that she is anti-Nazi, but this claim appears to be purely superficial. For example, video recordings show Amber spending time with local alt-right scum Kevin aka “Based Commie.” As mentioned before, Kevin aka “Based Commie” is a follower of white supremacist mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, and isn’t shy about his thirst for racial war and violence.
Amber Cummings in Berkeley for Milo Yiannopoulos’s “Free Speech Week” with Kevin “Based Commie” on the left and Jacob Ku on the right
Amber Cummings has herself engaged in violence at these rallies. Pictures and videos from multiple events show Cummings on the front lines looking for a fight. In contrast to her comments defining her actions as defensive, Cummings seems to be attracted to and excited by violence. In her live Facebook video on July 24, Amber greets Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez by saying “Welcome on board to the violence.” This was a reference to Gutierrez’s latest brawl with anti-fascists just weeks before in San Francisco. In a moment when Amber’s scrambled understanding of Marxism collided with her enthusiasm for violence, she tackled a fellow right wing marcher in Portland on June 30 after mistakenly identifying him as an anti-fascist protester.
Amber Cummings Facebook post admitting she tackled someone on her own side in Portland on June 30, 2018
Amber Cummings isn’t just a random participant in the movement. In addition to promoting and attending other groups’ events, she also organizes her own. On August 27, 2017, Cummings called for a “No to Marxism” rally in Berkeley, which was expected to feature libertarian fascist Augustus Invictus as a speaker. Cummings’s event was to take place just weeks after Unite the Right in Charlottesville, VA, an event that brought together neo-Nazis with others on the right for a weekend of violence which left many injured and one dead, and which was partly organized by Augustus Invictus himself, who was also scheduled to speak. While this event was ultimately cancelled due to overwhelming community opposition, alt-right white supremacists still showed up in Berkeley and were promptly removed by counter protesters.
Cummings followed this cancellation with a rally in San Francisco in support of British fascist Tommy Robinson after he was jailed for interfering in court proceedings. This event had a pitifully small turnout of committed racists and was criticized by others on the right for exposing participants to attacks without security preparations.
Amber Cummings (right, black shirt) at a rally in Berkeley on April 15, 2017 with neo-Nazi Nathan Damigo (left, blue shirt) and a member of Damigo’s white nationalist fraternity Identity Evropa
Amber Cummings (right, striped shirt) at a rally in Portland on June 30, 2018 with man in red shirt (center) performing a Nazi salute
As of this writing, Amber Cummings is calling for another “No to Marxism” rally in Berkeley on August 5. In the lead up to this rally, Cummings had been coordinating with American Guard to provide event security. This was confirmed in a live video that Cummings streamed on her own Facebook profile in which she promoted the rally. American Guard is an organization started by Brien James, a white supremacist that also co-founded Vinlanders Social Club, which was a racist gang tied to several murders. Moreover, Cummings invited Proud Boy Jeffrey Perrine to speak at the rally. Earlier this year, Perrine harassed Hasta Muerte coffee shop in Oakland and called for people to bash the heads of immigrants at a rally in Portland. Current in-fighting erupting in the local far-right scene will likely decrease the turnout to the upcoming August 5 rally, but just as the fascists still showed up for a cancelled rally in 2017, we should expect them to come out of their holes yet again, even if Cummings isn’t able to formally keep it together.
Amber Cummings holding a replica of the shield used by her friend and violent white nationalist Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman in Berkeley on March 4, 2017
Amber Cummings has travelled along the west coast bringing with her a wave of violence and far-right harassment. She has shown in her actions to be receptive to vile white supremacists if it means coming out on top against the left. She has continuously carried out provocations while being able to return to her Antioch home and escape the consequences of the trouble she brings to other communities. We feel it is time to expose her location in Antioch and alert the community to the toxic behavior and violent threat of Cummings in an effort to help keep people informed and safe.
If you have any information on fascist organizing in Northern California, please contact us at [email protected]